Monday, January 30, 2012

Keystone XL Pipeline

Recently, on Jan. 18, 2012, President Obama denied the construction of a 1700 mile oil pipeline that would cross from the Canadian border down into the American Gulf Coast.

President Obama  denied the construction of the pipeline until further assessment is conducted on the health affects on the American people and ecological impacts. If the constructed the pipeline will cross over a major aquifer, the source of drinking water for millions of folk in the Midwest.  Also, it will cross sensitive grasslands, which could have some environmental consequences.

The Republicans have criticized the President's decision, saying that Obama is hindering job and economic growth, not decreasing  our dependence on foreign oil, and pleasing extreme environmentalists.

I am a conservationist/preservationist at heart, so I do not necessarily agree with the construction of the pipeline. I am all for job creation and decreasing our reliance on foreign oil, but not at the expense of the environment. Unfortunately, when jobs of this nature are created, the environment takes a beating.

Also, the construction of this pipeline will only create temporary jobs, not long-lasting careers, which is needed for the American people to economically thrive.

What are your thoughts?

Check out the article.

Keystone Pipeline

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