Sunday, February 26, 2012

Rain Forest Don't Go Away!!

The Amazon Rainforest is a marvelous place of biodiversity covering 2,123,562 sq mi. This is the largest rainforest in the world and its existence is being threaten.  Brazil's has plans to change regulations, opponents to the new law say it could increase deforestation and increase greenhouse gas emissions. The forest has been cut for agricultural purposes--grazing for livestock. Currently, a 1965 law controls the slash-and-burn agriculture technique by having forest cover 80 percent of their land.  The proposed new law would give farmers more lead way by reducing restrictions and penalties. 

I hate that the integrity of the Amazon has to be compromised because of agriculture. Agriculture is need to feed the world, but I wish there were more efficient ways instead of harming other valuable natural resources. 

Check out the resource:

The Amazon

The Amazon